Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gotta get moving...

Gotta get my tush moving.  I miss my healthier self.  I feel so much better not smoking but I miss my bicycle.  I miss riding on back roads, mooing at cows.  April 26 will be 3 years without smoking.  Three years since my nerves took a nose dive, discovering full blown panic attacks and crying.  It was a rough first year.  I still struggle with my nerves but I am getting better with them. 

I have bike rides I would love to go on this year.  But after gaining so much it is very hard on me.  Winston is suffering, Jimmy is suffering, I am suffering.  (Especially since Winston is next to me on the couch smelling of dead fish...ugh). We have a good start on our garden, baby chickens are coming, and I need to be able to get stuff done. 

Plan of attack: Walk the pooch everyday, Cut out soda Sundays only, Keep track of my food.  Here's to a healthier me.

Got our Chick Starter kit from My Pet Chicken. HOORAY!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

John "Winston" Lennon

This is Winston
He's a Border Collie.
He loves naps and laps.
He is rotten to the core.
I have ruined a perfectly good dog
I don't mind.

The Chicks are coming!!

The week of May 15th our new (and firt) chicks will be hatched :D.  We have ordered a Buff Orpington,  Barred Rock, and a Rhode Island Red.  Names have been picked out and now I must wait patiently.

Our coop from Green Chicken Coop should be here next week.   Jimmy is building a run for them.  Winston (our Border Collie) is clue less that he is being invaded by chickens.  I hope they get along well.  I hope that them being babies and growing up with him they will be fine with each other.

Garden is weeded.  Finally mulched between the Herb boxes.  Trimmed my Sage and worried it was too much but it is growing and looks much healthier for it now.  Potatoes are planted.  We have decided to try Sweet Potatoes again and hopefully the Rabbits will steer clear this time. 

We are trying vinegar as a weed killer in the driveway and around the pool.  I hope it works it is healthier and much cheaper.  Spring is coming!!